Letters to the Editor - Central Queensland Today

2022-10-11 06:21:49 By : Mr. Kent Wong

Please allow me this space to convey a very special thanks to Mr Barry O’Rourke, Member for Rockhampton, for visiting me to check on my health during a recent illness.

Following his visit, I would like to thank him for his kindness and generosity in returning a half hour later to mow my yard.

Barry, you are a tremendous person.

About 30 years ago, the Uniting Church was formed from the Methodist Congregational and Presbyterian religions.

Sometime after that the Congregational church building was purchased by (I think) the Dellandelles family and taken to their property near Emu Park along with a number of other churches as a point of interest/tourism.

The property appeared to close down some years after that.

I have an aged aunt who would like to know where all the buildings went.

I’m sure some readers would have some memories and knowledge of this and you may even be able to do a feature.

Thank you, Senator Matt Canavan, for the truth about inefficient and unreliable solar.

The trouble doesn’t end there as it is also costly and inefficient for home use.

We have a 6.KWh system on a high roof facing northly.

It cost us over $6000 and an over $4000 gov subsidy.

The installers knew it is false rated as they only put a 5KWh inverter on it.

There are several ways it fails.

Even on the best sunny days it never produces it 6 KWh (Units) rating of 36 units for the average of six hours sunshine.

The other 18 hours we pay for late and night time use.

In winter its down often to half rate.

On often cloudy or part cloudy days it is down to a quarter or less like under 10 units even one on 1.8 for the whole day instead of its rated 36 units.

At four years we have paid between one and two thousand more than it saved and this is not counting the $4000 subsidy.

There is another problem that if you have solar and hot water on tarrif 33 it is likely you are paying even for the power your solar generates.

It’s good to learn to read your meter to check this.

All and more information is available from my daily meter readings.

Some questions that I would like the electric car protagonists to answer!

1. If fossil fuels are to be phased out, why are more service stations being built?

2. Who will fund retraining of motor mechanics to work on E/V’s when combustion engines no longer exist?

3. If batteries for E/V’s cost nearly half the price on a new vehicle, who will subsidise owners the cost of replacement and if the possibility that batteries are intergrated into the vehicle’s body and cannot be replaced after they have died, who will subsidise the cost of a new vehicle?

4. E/V’s have a limited driving range, will adequate recharging stations be available in outback and rural stations?

5. When I was young push bikes had dynamos fitted that clicked onto the front wheel to generate power for head and tails, will E/V’s have a similar dynamo/ alternater systems attached to wheels or fan operated dynamos/alternater sytems behind front grills to generate power to extend klm range between recharges, we have fans behind radiators for cooling, so the process would be not difficult to incorporate.

6. What is going to happen to fossil fuelled cars, trucks, heavy earth moving equipment, ships, aircraft etc. are they going o be melted down, go into landfill or sold off to ” Third World ” countries that cannot afford the “Pie In The Sky” idea of E/V’s?

I do not think much thought has been put into this “Buck Rogers, Sci-Fi ” stupidity and the ramifications and the cost to people.

Pseudo educated “Light Bulb Ideas”.

May God help our soldiers

We are presently in the process of considering bringing home to Australia women who chose to flee to Syria to fight against our soldiers, yes they went to give aid and comfort to ISIS, an Islamic terrorist organization who have sworn to kill all us.

There are those who support their efforts.

And the same people who advocate to bring these women back to Australia were the same people who vilified the soldiers we sent over there to fight against those these women support.

I am not so much objecting to allowing, indeed facilitating, the return of these women and their children, what I object to is the disgusting way we treat our soldiers who fought against those these women support. Yes we sent young Australians to serve and be killed fighting the cause these women travelled over there to support, indeed, our present Army Chief Angus Campbell was a main agitator in stripping our Afghanistan soldiers of their medals.

Thank you God for Peter Dutton who ended that farce.

We know that it will cost millions to watch over these women and children to keep us safe, yet we can’t afford to help adequately the many returned servicemen who end their lives in preference to living in a land that does not truly appreciate what they have given.

God forgive us, can you see the hypocrisy, we want to help those that try to kill us, God help them, and we won’t help those who were prepared to die defending us.

We are presently having an enquiry into how badly our returned servicemen are treated, for it seems we just find it too expensive to properly care for our Vets, but for the women and children who chose to go to Syria and fight against us, no price is too high.

Angus Campbell our present Army leader was all for stripping our Afghanistan Servicemen of their medals for war crimes, goodness me he now leads our Government’s Current Army think tank into future needs of our Servicemen.

May God help our soldiers.